Proud supporters of Epilepsy Action Australia
CREMA at the garden is a proud supporter of Epilepsy Action Australia. Each year, we hold a weekly fundraiser known as PURPLE WEEK to raise funds and awareness of Epilepsy. Epilepsy is the most common serious brain disorder and up to 40% of sufferers will not respond to medication. It is estimated that over 800,000 people in Australia will be affected by Epilepsy in their lifetime, 150,000 of these being children.
We only hold one fundraiser a year and every year it gets bigger and better. In 2016 we raised over $3000. We could not do it without the support of our loyal clients who generously donate but also our suppliers and other local businesses who have donated ‘purple’ coloured food items as well as raffle prizes. Hold on to your hats because next year will be amazing as we aim to beat $3000.